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AMBER Winners at Trinity College’s 2023 Innovation Awards

9 November 2023

Trinity College’s 2023 Innovation Awards hosted by Trinity Innovation and Enterprise took place on Wednesday 8th November 2023 with a number of awards presented to AMBER Researchers. Trinity College Provost Linda Doyle presented the Awards.

Lifetime Achievement Award winner Professor John Boland Pioneering work in nanoscience, revolutionizing electronics and energy storage. Professor Boland is a CRANN and AMBER founding Director driving material science innovation, Industry collaborations leading to tech advancements and real-world applications.

The Industry Engagement Award winners Professor Stefano Sanvito and Professor John Goold They launched the Trinity Quantum Alliance in 2023, along with Microsoft and IBM. A quantum network integrating research, education, and industry. They’ve created a Quantum Science MSc and pre-doc program, fueling the quantum sector with skilled graduates. Porfessor Sanvito CRANN Research Institute Director – home of AMBER and AMBER Principal Investigator. Dr. John Goold Associate Professor Physics and AMBER Funded Investigator.

The Provost Innovation Award winner Professor Bruce Murphy Associate Professor, Deputy Director of Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering, and Principal Investigator in AMBER Center. Pioneering 4 TCD spin-outs: Croívalve, Selio Medical, Proverum, and One Projects, developing vital medical device therapeutics.

Inventor Award winner Dr.Lewys Jones Ussher Assistant Professor of Ultramicroscopy, AMBER Funded Investigator and an SFI / Royal Society University Research Fellow in the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin. He leads the Ultramicroscopy research group at the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (AML) Director of turboTEM Limited; a Trinity spin-out company.





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AMBER has a strong emphasis on collaboration. Central to AMBER’s research remit are collaborative projects performed with industry partners, and working with academic, industry and wider stakeholder on international and national research programmes.

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