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Oireachtas Briefing by four Trinity College Dublin based Research Centres

24 September 2024

Great engagement at the Oireachtas Briefing by four Trinity College Dublin based Research Centres: AMBER Centre, ADAPT Centre, CONNECT Centre and Co-Centre for Climate + Biodiversity + Water funded by Research Ireland

‘Enabling a Vibrant & Resilient Ireland through Science & Research’ was held in Buswells Hotel on Tuesday 24th September 2024.

This drop-in session was an opportunity for all members of the Oireachtas to meet with researchers and Directors of the centres to discuss the intersection of the varied and innovative research work being conducted and the impact it has on policy, from AI-Driven Digital Content Technology, Advanced Materials & BioEngineering, Future Networks and Communications and Climate Biodiversity and Water.

Every Government Department, policy or piece of legislation is impacted by elements of the research being conducted in these centres and with increasing calls for evidence-based policy this event was timely. It was an opportunity to commence a dialogue between policy and scientific research to the benefit of all societal challenges and opportunities.

Thanks to Minister Martin Heydon, Deputy Denis Naughten TD, Deputy Michael Healy Rae TD, Senator Timmy Dooley,  Senator Tom Clonan and others for an engaging discussion on the importance of research and innovation to evidence based policy.

Collaborate with AMBER

AMBER has a strong emphasis on collaboration. Central to AMBER’s research remit are collaborative projects performed with industry partners, and working with academic, industry and wider stakeholder on international and national research programmes.

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