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Article: AMBER’s Stefano Sanvito ‘Video frame interpolation increases 3D tomography resolution for nanomaterials’

14 January 2025

3D Three-dimensional (3D) tomography is a powerful investigative tool for many scientific domains, from materials science, to engineering, to medicine. AMBER Research and CRANN Director Professor Stefano Sanvito contributed to the article below:

“Video frame interpolation increases 3D tomography resolution for nanomaterials” which has been published online in MRS Bulletin – Springer Nature available here: https://rdcu.be/d5U13

Colleagues in CRANN & AMBER based in Trinity College Dublin & Mater Misericordiae University Hospital working in the disciplines of materials science physics microscopy & health utilising an
AI technique currently used in movie augmentation have found a solution to limited 3D resolution in tomography

Their paper ‘Video frame interpolation neural network for 3D tomography across different length scales’ was been published in Nature Communications https://rdcu.be/dTGpX

This exciting transdisciplinary work has applications in the health space to the benefit of medical diagnostic imaging such as CT scans providing better resolution imaging and limiting exposure for patients.

Paper first author Laura Gambini and colleagues Cian Gabbett, Luke Doolan, Lewys Jones, Jonathan Coleman, Paddy Gilligan & Stefano Sanvito on the publication in Springer Nature.

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