• Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson

Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson Professor

Thorri (Thorfinnur) Gunnlaugsson MRIA is a Professor of Chemistry in the School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin. His research interests are in the areas of organic and inorganic supramolecular and material chemistry, as well as within the fields of medical chemistry and chemical biology. His main research focus is on the synthesis and formation of novel functional self-assembly structures and materials, functional luminescent materials, chemosensors and imaging agents, etc. and the applications of such materials.

Having established his research group at the School of Chemistry in TCD in 1998, he is the author of close to 300 publications which have attracted an H-index of 82. He has strong background in mentoring PhD students (over 60 to date) and early career researchers, many of whom now hold independent academic positions. His work has been recognised with several awards, including a membership to the Royal Irish Acadamy in 2011 (MRIA), and with a fellowship to the Institute Chemistry of Ireland (FICI) in 2020. He is the recipient of the 2021 Molecular Sensors and Molecular Logic gates (MSMLG) Czarnik Award, The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland (ICI) Annual Award for Chemistry 2014 and The 2006 Bob Hay Awarded by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Macrocycle and Supramolecular Chemistry Interest Group.

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